Friday, December 7, 2012

Game Drawing in Perspective


      I was really happy with how my Clue game drawing turned out. Luckily, the vanishing point on the photograph wasn't difficult to spot. But when I first started out, I was having a hard time keeping everything in line with the vanishing point and drawing them in perspective, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to make the objects look three-dimensional. But in the end, the final result was fairly successful. There were things that I really liked and some things that I would change if I could, but the overall effect is good. For example, I am happy with how the dice and the blue pawn turned out. I also liked the front of the drawing. The dining room, the chair, and the game board turned out neat considering the hard time I had with the watercolors (They spread everywhere! It was hard to keep the color within the thin lines). I was able to make all the lines lead back to the vanishing point, and the final product looks close to the actual game board. Going over the watercolor in colored pencil added a nice effect and allowed me to add perspective, value and shadows in order to make the drawing look more realistic.
     However, if could go back and do it over, I would try to make the Clue envelope more three-dimensional and make it a darker color. It looks flat and blends in with the game board. I tried to make the objects as close to their original color as possible, but some of the colors of the objects are so similar that they all blend in together. I would also try to do a better job of blending the colors in the back of the game board. I added in some brown in the back to make it darker and thus give the impression that it is further back, but the shading is uneven and there is an evident contrast in color between the back and the front of the game board. Overall, I don't think I was successful in making it look like the back was darker because it was farther away.
     This piece was a challenge because I do not have the patience for perspective. I found it tedious to have to use the vanishing point to draw all of my lines and objects. However, the painting and coloring part was fun, and the final project turned out better than I expected it too, which was a nice surprise.

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